8 Healthy Social Media Habits You Can Start Today

Aspyn Coaching
8 Healthy Social Media Habits You Can Start Today

You can always find something fresh to post, like, share, or remark on across your social media accounts. But how exactly does it affect your health to browse through an infinite stream of posts?

Spend all day every day reading through social media and looking at other people's "perfect" portrayals of their life. This will negatively impact your mental health, despite the benefits of staying connected with friends and finding daily inspiration.

It occurs to everyone and happens more often than you'd imagine. Because of this, it's crucial to have positive behaviors in place to guard your mental health when using social media. You may improve your connection with social media by incorporating these healthy practices into your everyday routine.

Use Social Media for a Purpose

We've all done it: logged on to look for the birthday party's start time for the next week, only to find ourselves viewing video after video for the better part of an hour. Think about why you need to access a site and always log out after you're done. This will help you maintain control of your social media experience, allowing you to focus on the most important aspects, such as communicating with friends or learning about the latest music from your favorite band, rather than being distracted by the content posted by others.

Don't just mindlessly browse through your feed; instead, pay attention to your thoughts and emotions when you do so.

Focus on Your Real-Life Friends

Social media may be an excellent resource to learn what's been happening with far-flung loved ones. Although it's nice to know that someone cares about what you have to say, the personal connection you make via likes and comments on social media may not necessarily be as fulfilling as the one you make through a phone call, video chat, or even text message. Pay attention to those in-the-moment exchanges, and only use social media to supplement developing meaningful connections in the real world.

Limit the Time You Spend Scrolling Each Day

Using social media healthily requires, like most things, moderation. In order to establish a social media habit, set aside a certain amount of time each day to use the internet for personal reasons.

Time might fly by when we're preoccupied with social media. Still, recent research published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that people who spend less than 30 minutes daily on social media had better moods and emotions. This may be done in several ways, but two of the best are to use the "do not disturb" feature or using the timer function to limit time on social media.

It doesn't matter what time of day you choose; it might be in the morning, during your commute, or even just before supper. Try using a habit-forming tool like Moment, RescueTime, or BreakFree to help you ease into your new routine.

Follow People and Pages That Make You Happy

Do you see any distressing content while you browse your feed? You may opt to unfollow, block, or mute information that brings you down and instead focus on what makes you happy. If you want to live a life consistent with the values you want to keep, it's important to follow those who do so and unfollow those who don't.

Avoid Using Social Media Before Bed

Using your phone or computer before you sleep is not a good idea. A good night's sleep is essential for maintaining emotional stability, but exposure to blue light from electronic gadgets may make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. It would help if you stopped using electronic devices and social media at least an hour before bed.

Live in the Moment

 Having the perfect photo to post on social media isn't as important as having a good time while you're doing it. Put aside your phone and pay attention in the here and now; you'll be much better off.

The convenience of social media makes it simple to keep in touch with loved ones, but it isn't enough to ensure friendships thrive. You and your floormate pal could keep a Snapchat streak going, but you should just go out to lunch and catch up instead. Keeping up with friends and family in person is great for your psychological well-being. Don't only share your joyful news on social media; give your buddies a call instead! Instead of transforming your new puppy into an Instagram account, take them for a stroll to a friend's home and introduce them to each other in person. It's crucial to keep in touch with your loved ones in real life, and there are plenty of opportunities to do so away from the computer.

Take a Break

The time has come for a social media detox if checking your feeds is the first thing you do upon waking up and the last thing you see before you go to sleep. A break from social media may do everyone some good. Taking a break from Instagram for four months did wonders for my sanity. Now, I'm not suggesting that you need to go through a full-on social media fast for a month, but even taking a break from it for a weekend or the Thanksgiving holiday may be suitable for your psyche. It's good to put the phone down every once in a while and concentrate on something other than the screen.

Do Not Use Social Media for Comparison But for Inspiration

It's vital to keep in mind that the content of individuals' social media profiles is carefully curated and that most people use it to embellish their life. This is why you shouldn't let social media make you feel horrible about who you are. Instead of dwelling on shortcomings, focus on what you have to look forward to. Please take a look at the accounts you're following and ask yourself why you're following them. You may learn more about how to draw motivation from your followers by reflecting on the individuals you follow and the benefits you get from doing so.

Final Thought

You should take a vacation from social media for a few days if it triggers negative emotions like worry or sadness. Taking a break from technology allows you to reflect on what really matters in your life and give your mind a much-needed rest. And if you find that cutting down on social media hasn't alleviated your tension or anxiety, please don't hesitate to seek professional help.

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