Recalibrate Your Low Motivation with Five Simple Steps

Aspyn Coaching
Recalibrate Your Low Motivation with Five Simple Steps

Everyone loves a comfy couch, but don't let those cushions draw you in too deep. A little downtime is good for us all, but if you struggle with motivation, here are some tips to get you moving.

What Causes Low Motivation?
Our level of motivation is always in flux. Many people struggle to get motivated for the start of the work week. Many people procrastinate with unpleasant chores. It's not just a case of being lazy though, there's more to it than that. Some causes of low motivation include:
  • Self-doubt
  • Burn out
  • Lack of enthusiasm
  • Being overwhelmed
  • Mental health issues

1) Find your momentum
An object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest. Getting off that couch is the first step in building your momentum. 

If you have a lot to do today and don't feel motivated to do it, start small. The key is to focus on each thing you want to do today at a time. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by all the errands you have to run. Instead, push yourself to get up, get dressed, then tackle that first item on your to-do list. This divides each task into simpler, easier-to-manage actions. 

If you have nothing on your agenda, writing yourself a quick, simple to-do list will help you get up and moving. 

2) Revise your to-do list
To-do lists are great reminders, but they can also be a way to procrastinate. Need to go to the post office? Put it on the to-do list and it feels like you're part way done. The only problem is that it can sit on that list with many other to-do's for too long, leaving you with an unmanageable list.

Take some time to prioritize what needs to be done now, and what can wait. Ask yourself if an item should really be on your list and, if you're unsure, it probably doesn't need to be there.

It's also useful to break your to-do list down into tasks to do today, tomorrow, next week, and so on. This gives you a more goal-oriented approach that you can reward yourself for completing.

3) Break it down
If a task seems daunting, see if you can tackle it bit by bit. If you have to read a book for school, take it chapter by chapter or in chunks of 10 pages at a time. Or if you have to clean the kitchen, tackle a section of each counter at a time. 

Breaking it down also helps take the pressure and sense of urgency off a task which makes it easier on our mental health. 

4) Take a beat
Take a moment to yourself. Drink a glass of cold water. Close your eyes and feel sunlight on your skin. Hold an ice cube. Quick grounding activities like these help you reset and recollect your thoughts and this gives you a little boost to get going with the next task.

5) Reward yourself 
It might sound silly, but rewarding yourself for completing tasks is a powerful motivator. It doesn't need to be a gold star like your primary school teacher gave you. Use whatever small reward works for you. A cup of coffee, a soak in the tub, or an extra episode of your favorite show. Whatever works for you, use it. 

If you're struggling with motivation or mental health issues like depression working with a coach or therapist can help get you back on track. 

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